Several friends and neighbors have eyed my car top kayak rack and said something like, “Are you STILL kayaking this time of year?” Well, uh, yeah. If you grew up on the East Coast and walked across lakes in December, what’s so strange about kayaking in Northern California when temperatures may still be in the balmy 50s?
On the other hand, if you insist on being a rational person, a kayak rack comes in handy for other things at this time of year. Like at the Christmas tree lot. For the first time, I didn’t have to jam my Yule tree into the car trunk, with the top half sticking out. Or worry about breaking branches if the lid slammed shut when I hit a bump. Or watch the fir fly into traffic through my rear view mirror.
This year, no problem! Even the tree lot guy was impressed. “Wow, that rack looks like it was made to carry a Christmas tree!” he said. “You oughta get a patent on that!”
Great idea, but I don’t think the folks at Thule Racks would allow it. Besides, they’ve already missed one marketing opportunity. The Swedish name “Thule” looks like it should rhyme with “Yule” – but the rack maker pronounces it “Too-lee.” I bet the guys over at Yakima Racks wouldn’t hesitate for a second if they easily could make their name rhyme with Dancer or Prancer or Donner or Blitzen. ("Ever wonder where reindeer get their racks? From us!")
But let’s not quibble over linguistic details. If Sarah Palin can see Russia from her back door, then Sweden is close enough to the North Pole to give Thule a claim on “Official Christmas Tree Car Rack.” This could make for some serious jingle-jingle in fourth quarter earnings. And who knows, Thule might reward me for this brilliant idea, in the spirit of Christmas. Happy holidays!
A few hours after I posted this item and contacted Thule about my idea, I got the following e-mail:
Thanks for the note and the pics on your blog. Over the years we have seen many different ways Thule racks have been used to carry Christmas trees. Though these are not Thule approved solutions, it is good to know that people are putting their Thule racks to use in the holiday season.
Have a great Christmas!
Karl Wiedemann
PR & Communications Manager
Thule Inc.
So I won't be getting a Christmas bonus. But at least there are no lumps of coal in my stocking...yet.